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Emily, 24, is interested in the spatial construct of memory in the environment of home. After studying architecture for two years and before transferring to AIS, she spent a gap year doing architectural internships in Beijing, where she grew a more practical understanding of the industry and how housing has affected individual lives in the latest century. Grown and raised in the city of Beijing, she would like to investigate the memories of homes of her own family as a case study to examine the relationship between the physical construction and the intangible memory with in certain context.

Alex 20, is fascinated how Soviet prefabrication has the power to influence spaces. Interested in exploring material culture and oral history she reveals the narratives behind every life in a typical Panelka block, a home to her grandparents. She graduate from this course with the hope of developing her design work through conducting further research on the social side of Architecture.

Anya, 25, is passionate about sustainable design within the built environment and is interested in how to hold practitioners accountable in a time of climate and ecological emergency. She graduates from this course with plans to explore sustainable design and is looking forward to new experiences within the industry.

Clara has spent her time at the Bartlett School of Architecture exploring the intersection of space and anthropology. Exploring objects through the lens of material culture, her design projects have focused on the deconstruction of everyday life and rituals through design. Her Swedish background has informed her design work and led her research towards community and pedagogy in this context. Next year, she’s looking to further her interdisciplinary background studying at Waseda University in Tokyo.

Faun Rothery


Isobel, 21, is most interested in how design can be used as an ontological instrument, a tool able shape our understanding of space, the mind and the body. During her time at the Bartlett, she has sought to mold her design methodologies to the psycho-social lens. Having worked in film, furniture design and architecture in the past, she hopes to continue pursuing multidisciplinary design.

Jona, 20, is interested in looking at regeneration projects within the city of London, how this may lead to gentrification and seeing how they effect local communities in the area. Coming from Kilburn, an area that is currently undergoing a regeneration project as well as gentrification, she wants to raise awareness on how this may impact different groups of people while also changing the environment.

Mungeh, 23, has decided to tackle the structures of boarding school and the home environment. As a former boarding student, Mungeh wishes to pay attention to the psyche of a student who lives in separate locations and rediscover the dualities which emerge from this way of schooling. After university, he plans to exercise skills he has learned in a design-related field.

Vesper Wang

Vesper, 21, is interested in the impact of architecture on social progress, the dynamics amongst different stakeholders in a project and the linkage between architecture and other industries. By selecting many modules from Maths and Statistics departments during the three years doing AIS, she is very keen on analysing problems by quantitative approaches. Originally from China, which has experienced great changes during the recent decades, she desires to figure out the role of architecture in this process and its potential to push the development to a deeper stage. She was involved in a poverty alleviation project when she was young. Since then, she has become passionate about making a better life for those who suffer from poverty.  

Laurie Milton-Jefferies

Having studied industrial design for a year before beginning his AIS BSc, Laurie is interested in how design, at all scales, affects our lives. He has used the interdisciplinary breadth of the course to investigate critical and theoretical approaches to design, the psychological and social aspects of design and design writing. His practice is founded on rigorous historical investigation, real world research, evidence based interventions and straightforward solutions.

Richard Hardy

Richard 22, has spent his time researching a personal interest of his, namely the relatively unheard-of movement of Metabolism. Having a personal fascination with Mid-Century architecture from around the world along with more traditional Japanese works, this movement has provided the perfect avenue of research for him. After graduating from this course, he plans to explore the area of film and photography as a tool for advertising and marketing, though always looking out for other opportunities within design and always referring back to projects such as this for personal interest.

Zahra Cathra

Zahra Naz, 21, is interested in urban regeneration and the development of social housing projects. In particular , she is fascinated by ethnographic design and the way an interdisciplinary approach to Architecture can provide innovative solutions to current spatial dilemmas within disadvantaged communities.  Growing up in West London, she has witnessed the harsh disparity within an area due to it’s investment in infrastructure and would like to promote social sustainability and challenge the boundaries of traditional creative practices.


Yasmina, 22, is most fascinated by the way a ‘space’ starts as abstract, with no identity, which architecture and design can subsequently develop into a ‘place’ which humans can associate themselves with and create emotional connections. She is also interested in Biophilic architecture, bringing the outdoors indoors, and it’s health benefits for the mind and body. She hopes to introduce this concept of design to the fitness industry, combining the interdisciplinary fields in pursuit of strategically promoting health.

Luca Li

Luca, 23, is most interested in borders between domestic and public spaces within cities – from giant building complex in mage cities to small spaces such as mahjong rooms in small towns. He is an urban walker dedicated in exploring cities and spaces with different footpaths. He graduates from the course with plans of showing his journeys with more dedicated visual materials, and he is also planning to look for new perspectives of discovering cities within the interdisciplinary of space and social science theories.