2020/2021 > THE STUDENTS

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Rasim, 20, is most interested in the generation of space, domestic and public, and the ways in which they engage with representations of population groups.  His upbringing inthe Northern Republic of Cyprus and Russia has informed his interest in the intersections of the built environment and cultural anthropology, politics and policy making, leading to his dissertation. Following AIS, he plans on pursuing post-graduate education in the field of urban regeneration.  

Born in Hong Kong, Recina has always had an interest in interactive art, languages and architecture. During her time at AIS, she was able to select a wide range of modules which align with her interest. Alongside her study in the Bartlett, Recina is also volunteering as a graphic designer for a student-led group in UCL that promote and embrace social inclusion.

Anna is most interested in domestic and performative narrations of space and has greatly enjoyed combining her interests in cultural anthropology, languages, design and performance as a student on BSc AIS. Anna is fascinated by questioning the bounds of the domestic and hopes to pursue further study upon graduating from UCL.

Gurmukh is a lifelong West-Londoner with familial roots in Punjab, India. Indicated by his broad module selection over his time at the Bartlett his interests range from filmmaking to business marketing. His background and interdisciplinary interests are reflected in his project where he tackles issues relating to the partition of Indian through a socio-cultural-spatial lens. 

Tyler, 21, is interested in the social articulation of space as well as the ways in which materiality, architecture and culture coincide. After first undertaking a year in BSc Architecture in 2018 before changing to AIS, she is also interested in the ways in which interdisciplinary modes of practices can influence architectural pedagogy and education. Coming from Hackney and Tottenham, both areas that have undergone mass gentrification, and being a person of colour, she hopes to engage young people from marginalised background with new architectural and interdisciplinary practices.

Sandra is most interested in ways we interact with space and how this changes the experience of our surroundings. During her time at AIS she has been able to explore the world of art and architecture and how these relate to other fields such as history and feminism. Sandra wishes to spend the next year on a beach before applying for master studies in Fine Arts and Design.

Camille grew up in a bicultural family in Taipei, Hong Kong, Paris and Shanghai. After studying 3D Spatial Design at the University of Arts London, she decided to embark on her journey in BSc Architectural and Interdisciplinary Studies at the Bartlett School of Architecture. She discovered her passion for interdisciplinary creative practices, such as the role of a curator. She will be attending the Royal College of Art’s course on Curating Contemporary Art and Design: Theory and Practice and the Master of Art in Spatial Performance and Design at the Architectural Association.

Bernard, 22, is most interested in how norms of architectural styles influence the thinking behind creation of space at the time - from living space to urban plan - and ways the contemporary world is breaking away from normative styles. He graduates from this course with plans of exploring the graphics design and illustration area, but he is also looking forward to new experiences within the interdisciplinary discourse of art and architecture.

Born in California and raised in Scotland, Ren has always had an interest in how our surroundings shape us. With an interest in gender and space Ren has explored the role of the built environment on identity and the importance of trans education and representation through a series of different projects within and outside of their degree.  

Born in Russia, Nelli, 22, made a choice to move to the UK several years ago to learn English and develop herself as a person away from old thinking russian society and begin her dream studies in architecture. Her time at university has allowed her to find herself and a passion for 3D modelling, programming and computation. She graduates from this course with plans on further master studies in architectural computation.  

Erika has strong interests in social anthropology and feminism which have informed her architectural studies throughout the BSc Architectural and Interdisciplinary Studies course at the Bartlett. She is particularly passionate about researching women’s experiences in the modern city and across cultures, in relation to how architectural design can be transformed to foster inclusivity and equal opportunities.

Siobhan is an interdisciplinary designer who is exploring her interests in architecture, politics and sustainability. Her dynamic curiosity has taken her on a journey to understanding the different dimensions of urban development; studying topics from land economics to energy technology policy. She aims to use the knowledge and exposure gained in her time at the Bartlett as a stepping stone to a vivacious career in improving the physical environment and people’s welfare within their city. 

Morgan is eager to tell stories that may often go unheard, specialising in film as a visual medium to explore spatial design. He strives to shift the focus of his film work from entertainment value to provocation, saying: “it is the intersection of art forms that best allows me to put my ideas forward, but also start to understand and interpret other people’s consciousness and impressions of the world.”

Herb’s interests lie at the intersection of architecture, politics, economics, social theory and global cultures. Engaging with the ways in which power, ideology and narrative manifest spatially, he enjoys applying theoretical and philosophical discussion to contemporary urban social problems and is seeking post-graduate study in Space Syntax spatial analysis at the Bartlett.  

Eloi, 22, is fascinated by urban development and researching ways in which cities can become smart, innovative, and creative. His academic journey took him from international schools in Romania and Brazil to AIS and a year abroad in Canada, seeking equally interdisciplinary environments onwards. His interests in photography, mapping and understanding urban challenges and complexities have shaped his dissertation. After AIS, he plans on completing a masters to develop a career in smart-city development.  

Chloe’s interests lie in sustainable practices and greening solutions within the field of architecture. Having grown up in Singapore, the biophilic green network on the island has informed her interest in environmental issues within the built environment - culminating into her dissertation. Her time at university has allowed her to develop further interests in educational psychology, French, and art. She plans on pursuing further studies in the intersection of sustainability and creative pedagogy.

Born in the UK and studying BSc Architecture and Interdisciplinary Studies, Rosy combines interests in politics, art and architecture. Alongside her studies at UCL, she has worked for not-for-profit organisations in London that endeavour to improve accessibility to health and wellbeing services.

Helen has a passion for sustainability and creative education. After first training in Fine Art and a first year in Architecture BSc, her academic journey took her to pursue a more interdisciplinary education. Her time in AIS has allowed her to develop a love of writing, history, the environment and the arts, following a broad programme involving, Dutch and Japanese, history of art, anthropology and design. She graduates this course striving to develop a career in creative education.

Emma, 22, moved to London for university and studied abroad in Hong Kong to further her interest in interactive design for communities and business marketing. She believes that communication through visual narratives is effective and inspiring as reflected by her interest in street photography.