Morgan Pollard

This magazine engages with the subject of architectural criticism and its exercises of demonstration, bringing to light an analytical study of contemporary media. It should be read with an investigative eye and strives to reveal particular conventions and methods of representation, through image and text. The publication considers how the interrelationship between these  two forms can create an aptitude towards a discourse limited to those in the  institution of architectural practice. The work assembles itself in plain view, metaphorically folding into and out of itself like origami before you.
Dissecting Architectural Discourse Through Magazine.   

In her 1994 book, Privacy and Publicity: Modern Architecture as Mass Media, architectural historian, Beatriz Colomina argues that architecture only  becomes modern in its engagement with mass media, and that in doing so it  radically displaces the traditional sense of space and subjectivity. With this  idea, she considers architectural discourse as: 
    “the intersection of a number of systems of                               representation, such as drawings models,                                 photographs, books, films and advertisements.”  

Are we progressing towards a more accessible architectural discourse? This publication seeks to deconstruct institutionalise conversation surrounding the built environment through investigative work in magazines. It considers how  magazines may serve as a foundation for reaching a more inclusive  discourse through building its content in a stylised format. The following are  two editorial spreads from the magazine.