Erika Notarianni & Herb Ronson

In this podcast episode, Herb Ronson and Erika Notarianni discuss the intertwining themes of their research papers, debating and discussing crucial concepts such as power, accountability, infrastructure and public space.  
Gender & Pandemic Governance:
A discussion of power, accountability and space

Herb’s paper explores the key theoretical work of Keller Easterling, who talks about how infrastructure space is increasingly manipulated to maintain certain cultural and ideological power dynamics. Contextually, he situates this discussion in relation to the subsequent pandemic governance as a result of the Covid-19 crisis. Erika’s paper similarly examines power relations within space, but with a focus on gendered relations between men and women that directly influence women’s experiences of public social spaces in London. She writes about how women can be both active and passive agents, enacting small forms of resistance in response to ideological prejudices about women’s wider socio-political status in modern Western society.

Throughout the podcast discussion, Erika and Herb contemplate the consequences of their research; can women really transform collective ideologies through individual action? How can we challenge powerful economic actors who maintain their status through ambiguity and uncertainty? By challenging the boundaries of each other’s work with intriguing contemplative questions, Erika and Herb understand that their projects are profoundly linked in purpose and critique.